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The Importance of Lead Validation on Internet Marketing


“If marketers are judging the success of their campaigns (SEO, PPC, email, etc.) on quantity of inquiries instead of quality, they could be overestimating their results by as much as half. “


This is one of the findings set out in a presentation called the “Importance of Lead Validation” from Straight North, an SEO agency in Charlotte. 


The data in the presentation indicates that about 50 percent of a company’s website inquiries are not leads. For the purposes of this study, the authors defined a lead as a person who would listen to phone inquiry recordings and read form submissions. The authors state that this process allows a company to separate actual sales leads from other non-sales inquiries.


Two key takeaways from the study include:

  1. The first web site visit is vital: 85 percent of site visitors converted on the first visit. This lets us know that many visitors are simply searching for the best company and vetting it based on website quality — and once they find that match, they convert into a sales lead.


  1. Overstated results lead to:
  • Slow improvement of campaigns.
  • Inaccurate determination of which campaign generated each validated lead.
  • Investing in campaigns thought to be contributing to ROI but are actually generating minimal returns — or worse, losses.


There are more stats in this slide presentation, including which days of the week are best for lead conversions.



About the author:

Aaron Wittersheim is Chief Operating Officer at Straight North, an Internet marketing agency.


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